
Hairline Crack Injection

Hairline Crack Injection

Super Fine Crack Injection

What are Hairline Cracks and how do they develop?

Fine cracks in concrete, thinner than a credit card thickness, are considered hairline cracks. here are a number of reasons concrete structures could form hairline cracks. 

Common causes of hairline cracks in concrete structures and foundations

Concrete shrinks in volume as it dries. During this process of contraction, hairline cracks may develop.

Thermal Movement
Concrete expands and contracts during temperature changes. This process can cause hairline cracks to form in the structure.

Foundation settlement can cause stress in a structure and lead to cracking. Voids varying in size from hairline cracks to more severe fractures and fissures can be observed.

Hairline Crack Injection Job Walk Comments

In the image presented, we highlight a detail we have previously discussed with the injection team during technical training. The almost imperceptible hairline crack beautifully demonstrates the resin’s travel, moving from the drilled hole pointy of injection within the crack and emerging on the wall’s surface.


For effectively treating ultra-thin hairline cracks, it is advisable to utilize a low-viscosity chemical injection grout. This ensures optimal material penetration within the structure. Additionally, injection packers are typically positioned in close proximity to one another and nearer to the crack. This arrangement is due to the anticipated higher injection pressures and the increased challenges associated with material dispersion.

Hairline Crack Injection Products Used

The contractor performed the hairline crack injection with the SealBoss Injection System.

Products used:

We also recommend for hairline crack injection: 

Learn More

Please don’t hesitate to call us at 714-662-4445 with any questions, or request to be contacted here, we look forward to helping you find a solution. On-site support from knowledgeable and experienced technical reps is available upon request. Check out our Crack Injection Kits.

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