
Water Stop Crack Injection
Leak Sealing & Permeation Grouting

Waterproofing Injection Systems
Water Stop Foams | Leak Sealing Resins | Chemical Grouts
Hydrophobic & Hydrophilic Polyurethane Resins
Polyurethane Injection Foams, Resins, Gels
Acrylate Gels | Acrylic Gels

Comprehensive Solutions for Sealing Leaks –  SealBoss Water Stop Systems

Injection Grouting, Water Stop Crack Injection – Products, Equipment & Training

SealBoss is renowned for its comprehensive and diverse array of water stop and leak-sealing solutions, encompassing an extensive selection of injection foams and chemical grouting products. We have designed our product lines to support and execute the latest injection techniques, catering to a broad range of applications, from crack injection and bladder/curtain injection to permeable/capillary injection, soil stabilization, and void fill injection.

Polyurethane (PU) and Acrylate (Acrylic) injection or grouting, are key components of our offerings, leveraging the properties of expanding injection foams and crack injection resins and gels to prevent water from permeating voids or cracks. Polyurethanes and Poly-Acrylates have proven to be ideal materials for waterproofing of concrete, masonry, and even natural structures, especially in cases of active leaks.

The efficiency of the sealing process is notably amplified by the PU injection foams’ accelerator-adjusted curing times, which guarantee a rapid, highly effective, and enduring seal.

Depending on the chosen product, the injection resins and chemical grouts retain a variable degree of flexibility, thereby accommodating any subsequent movement in the structure without compromising the seal’s integrity.

SealBoss resins, available in a spectrum of low to super-low viscosities, are capable of handling a vast array of structural flaws, from minor hairline fissures in concrete to significant, gushing leaks. This versatility ensures their suitability for innumerable leak-sealing applications.

Explore our product range through the links provided below, where you will find detailed information about our products, pumps, mechanical packers, and accessories.

To simplify your experience, SealBoss also offers comprehensive starter kits for most products, ensuring you have everything you need to commence your leak-sealing project. We are dedicated to providing robust, cutting-edge solutions to all your water stop and leak-sealing challenges.

Importance of Choosing the Ideal Product for Your Project

The selection of the right product for leak-seal and crack injection applications is paramount to a long-lasting, successful outcome. It is crucial to pick a material with the appropriate physical properties to simplify the application and ensure long-term durability. SealBoss presents a wide range of hydrophilic and hydrophobic products, each with specific properties such as viscosity, expansion rate, reaction time, flexibility, density, and hardness. We encourage you to consult your SealBoss representative for tailored advice to suit your project requirements.

Understanding Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Product Groups

Our SealBoss 1510/1570/1570LV/1500 Water Stop Foam grouts and crack injection foams are hydroactive hydrophobic polyurethane grouts with shared characteristics. While water/moisture initiates the reaction, the cured product remains impervious to moisture and maintains a constant volume. As water is not a constituent of the foam structure, the cured material essentially remains unaffected by water or dryness and does not shrink or swell. These hydrophobic crack injection grouts stand resilient against freeze/thaw and wet/dry cycles. Furthermore, our SealBoss 1640 Foam and SealBoss 1403 PUR Resin are hydrophobic polyurethane resins that do not necessitate water for reaction.

On the other hand, SealBoss FlexGel and SealBoss 2400 Acrylate Gel (Acrylic Gel) are hydrophilic gel products. These compounds react with water/moisture and are capable of absorbing and incorporating water post cure. As a result, they swell and form a waterproofing flexible gel or foam. We recommend hydrophilic products for applications in consistently moist environments, curtain/bladder injection, and capillary injection.

Role of Viscosity

Our SealBoss 1510/1570/1500 Water Stop Foams and Flexgel leak-seal grouts possess low viscosity, enabling excellent penetration into concrete cracks and joints. For hairline cracks, capillary fissures, and tight cold joints, we provide super low viscosity products such as SealBoss 1570LV Water Stop Foam, SealBoss 1403 PUR Resin, SealBoss 2400 Acrylate (Acrylic) Gel.

Controllable Hydro Active Expansion & Reaction Time via Adjustment with Accelerator Percentage

By adding a specific amount of SealBoss accelerator, the reaction times and expansion rates of SealBoss 1510 HighFoamer /1570/1570LV Water Stop Foams can be adjusted. This flexibility also extends to SealBoss 1403 PUR Resin and SealBoss 2400 Acrylate (Acrylic) Gel with their respective accelerators. The reaction time and expansion rate of a foam significantly influence the water stop and penetration properties of the product.

Fast reaction times and expansion support water cutoff properties, while slower reaction times enhance product penetration in the substrate.

Water-reactive polyurethane grouts expand upon contact with water due to the resulting CO2 gas. This foam expansion forms a compression seal that boosts the sealing properties of the injection grout. Rapid expansion assists in cutting-off high-volume active water leaks and aids curtain/bladder grouting. The expansion rate of a foam affects material consumption, cell structure, and the density of the cured product. It’s important to note that expanding foams can generate significant pressure. Our industry-standard SealBoss 1510 Water Stop Foam can rapidly expand between 5 to 50 times (50X) of free rise product volume when catalyzed accordingly.

Flexibility & Density

For most injections in joints, cracks, and some curtain/bladder wall grouting that do not experience considerable movement, semi-flexible standard products with high expansion rates and higher compressive strengths, such as SealBoss 1510 Water Stop Foam and SealBoss 1500 2-Component Water Stop Foam, are typically chosen. In cases where structures are exposed to thermal expansion and contraction or dynamic loading, resulting in increased movement, a flexible formulation grout such as SealBoss 1570/1570LV Water Stop Foam, SealBoss 1403 PUR Resin or SealBoss Flexgel may be necessary. For critical foam injection areas, we often recommend SealBoss 1403 PUR Resin as a follow-up and final leak-seal injection.

Successful leak sealing injection is largely dependent on the product’s density, complete penetration, and adequate product consumption. It is essential that the injection pressures are high enough to ensure efficient material travel, optimal penetration, and proper density. We always recommend monitoring injection pressures and material flow closely. When conducted correctly, the high-density injection material will form a compression seal and provide a long-lasting application.

Our selection of products, their tailored usage, and the various techniques that can be employed, underscore the flexibility and adaptability of SealBoss solutions. Trust in our expertise to guide you towards the most fitting and robust solutions for your project’s unique requirements. Please feel free to reach out to your SealBoss representative for more detailed information and guidance.

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