
Winery Crack Injection | Leaks Sealed with SealBoss Water Stop Foam


Injection Training

Boutique Winery | Leaks Sealed

SealBoss Technical Rep Sealing Leaks In Missouri

Leaks can happen anywhere, and Wine Cellars are no exception. 

A local SealBoss Rep was called out to consult on a leaky cellar to demonstrate high pressure injection using the SealBoss P2002 Injection Pump and 1510 NSF Certified Water Stop Foam. 

The wine cellar was a renovated below grade structure with a deck/extended porch above.  The main source of the leak was a pipe penetration and adjacent crack where mastic crystalline grout had failed. 

The repair began by cleaning the area with a wire brush to remove the failed grout down to the concrete.  After the area was sufficiently exposed, the crack was clearly visible. A ½” hole was drilled and  the SealBoss 13-100AL Evolution packer was then installed and injection with SealBoss 1510 Water Stop Foam began.

Injection continued till the void around the pipe penetration and the crack were filled. The packers were removed and followed by a 5 minute cleaning of the equipment with xylene and followed by SealBoss R70 Pump Flush.

Boutique Winery Eastern Missouri

 “We Provide Field Service When You Need It!

We have been offering experienced and responsive technical support since 1988. While providing on-site support and training, I create a positive learning environment focusing on building applicator confidence allowing for successful repairs to be continued after the training.  From training new companies and their employees, SealBoss has continued to provide support to our clients for over 35 years.

We won’t leave a jobsite till I know everyone is comfortable with the SealBoss Systems.

Our knowledgeable technical support team is here to help with any questions you may have”

SealBoss Technical Sales Team

SealBoss ® 1510 NSF Water Stop Foam for infiltrating water:

  • Water Stop Leak Repairs | Crack & Joint Leak-Seal | Soil Stabilization | Permeation Grouting
  • Defective Concrete (Cracked or Honeycombed)
  • Concrete Construction Joints & Cracks
  • Brick Construction, Geo Formations

SealBoss ® 1510 NSF Water Stop Foam Advantages:

  • Advanced NSF Formulation
  • Up to 40+ Times Expansion
  • SealBoss ® Product-Pump-Packer System Kit Solution
  • Unregulated For Transport
  • Solvent Free MDI Technology

In Person and Video training is available upon request, contact SealBoss today to speak to your regional technical representative on our SealBoss full system solutions and offerings.

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