Injection Pump Guideline

How to Select Injection Pumps
Choosing Your Pump
Choose from a selection of professional and proven injection and dispensing pumps, designed and built to suit your specific needs.
Consider job size, product components and properties, required injection volumes and pressures, and your injection frequency as determining factors for your purchase.
For injection grouts, epoxy resins and gels, single and two component high-pressure pumps are used. Look for quality built and components that are suitable to match the requirements of the products and application.
To be compatible with acrylic injection gels, our gel injection pump components are made from high grade stainless steel to withstand the corrosive nature of some of the gel components. Our acrylic gel injection pumps come equipped with a separate water flush pump for immediate cleaning.
Lower cost dispensers are available for smaller jobs and tighter budgets.
SealBoss offers various designs including:
- Single & Two Component
- Piston Pumps
- Membrane Pumps
SealBoss pumps are powered in in many ways, including:
- Electric
- Pneumatic
- Drill-Operated
- Battery Operated
- Hand-Operated
Please don’t hesitate to contact your technical representative to assist you in finding the right pump for your injection job.