Epoxy Injection
In Cold Weather
Overcoming the Challenges
Cold weather can complicate concrete repair and waterproofing, especially when working with chemical grouts like polyurethane foams, gels and, in this case, epoxy resins. All theses polymer products rely on temperature for proper curing.
Despite an incoming cold front, a mock-up epoxy injection training session had to proceed. With careful preparation and the right tools, such as heat guns to warm resins and surfaces, the team was able to successfully navigate the chilly conditions.
This cold Thursday morning was no exception to the rule. During a mock-up epoxy injection training an impending cold front was on its way toward Oregon and Washington states, resulting in unusually cold temperatures. However, when a crew needs to receive proper technical training on Sealboss Systems, the show must go on.

We Provide Training in All Conditions
A week prior to the training we wanted to make sure that we were prepared so that everybody in attendance could get the most out of the experience. We proactively sent an email to the contractor requesting that they provide the ancillary items necessary to make the training as efficient and effective as possible.
One of the items requested was a focused source of heat in the way of a heat gun. We were very pleased to see that they were prepared with two heat guns which enabled them to speed up the setting process for the crack seal paste. When chemistry is at play, temperature is a very important factor. In almost all cases, heat will speed up reactions between different chemicals.
In cold weather it is critical to precondition the epoxy resins to room temperature prior to use. Epoxy resins may not react below 35-45°F, but will begin to cure again once the temperature rises. A heat gun can be used to warm up the concrete surface prior to installing surface mounted ports and to increase the temperature of the installed epoxy adhesive to approximately 100°F or 40°C to initiate the exothermic reaction and speed up the cure time. Take care to avoid heating the surface or epoxy to over 130°F or 55°C .
While there are many things out of everyone’s control such as the weather, those things that are in our grasp ought to be executed to the best of everyone’s ability thanks to the preparedness from all members involved with this session, the team was able to benefit from and learn the basics as it relates to structural epoxy injection all the way from port setting to clean out of the pump.
Please inquire about training opportunities with your local SealBoss representative.
We are standing by to do what we can to make sure your teams have the requisite knowledge to be successful when it comes to using SealBoss Systems.
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Epoxy Injection in Cold Weather – Epoxy Resins, Ports, Pumps
SealBoss epoxy injection system solution.
Ranging from epoxy resins and structural epoxy gels to injection ports and two component epoxy pumps.
SealBoss Highest Quality Epoxy Standard
Injection Epoxy Resin
Multi-Use Epoxy Resin
Low viscosity, 100% solids, hi-mod, 2-component, moisture-tolerant, low-viscosity, high strength, multi purpose, epoxy injection resin adhesive
– Commercial Bulk Packaging
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Super Low Viscosity Epoxy Resin
Super low viscosity, 100% solids, hi-mod,
2-component, moisture-tolerant, low-viscosity, high strength, epoxy injection resin adhesive
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SealBoss Highest Quality Epoxy Standard
Fast Cure Epoxy Paste
Epoxy paste products for surface repairs, to prepare cracks for resin injection, and to bond SealBoss surface ports.
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High & Low Pressure
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