Manhole Injection Training

Manhole Leak Repair On-Site Training
Rehabilitation and Leak Mitigation:
Training with Polyurethane Injection Grout System – SEALBOSS 1510 WATERSTOP FOAM
The polyurethane injection technique provides an effective and durable solution for sealing leaks in manholes. This method employs a chemical grout that, when injected into cracks or joints, expands upon contact with water, forming a flexible yet sturdy seal, ensuring a long-lasting and water-resistant barrier, and significantly enhancing the integrity and lifespan of manhole structures.
A technical representative from SealBoss was engaged in providing an extensive consultation and training session at a project site, with a primary focus on addressing and repairing active leaks in masonry block manholes.
These manholes, situated adjacent to a swiftly flowing creek, were experiencing significant failures and active leakage due to compromised cementitious grout between the masonry blocks. A prior remedial attempt by the contractor, involving a cartridge product, failed to address the leakage problem.
As an effective remedy, SealBoss recommended the utilization of a high-pressure polyurethane water stop foam injection approach. This solution involved the SealBoss P2002 single-component injection pump and the SealBoss 1510 Water Stop Foam, administered through an array of SealBoss AL 13-100 (½”) high-pressure packers. Additionally, SealBoss Seal Oakum was provided to supplement the treatment.
Our SealBoss technical representative was on-site for a two-day period, imparting crucial manhole injection training and support to the contractor regarding the use of the injection system. The primary objective was to ensure the contractor’s crew gained both confidence and proficiency in the system’s application.
Training was provided on the operation of the pumps, setting of the packers, and the overall injection procedure, including post-application cleanup.
For areas with larger cracks or excessively active leaks with high-volume water flow, the contractor crew received instructions on the application of catalyzed resin-soaked SealBoss Seal Oakum. This method was employed to rapidly establish a barrier, curtailing active water flow and facilitating the retention of the injected foam resin within the crack during its expansion phase.
The Oakum Seal Method utilizes Seal Oakum, a dry, oil-free fiber that absorbs SealBoss chemical grouts. When placed in the structure, the water-reactive resin expands, forming a dense, flexible seal that prevents leaks during injection and curing. It also serves as a physical barrier against water migration in larger cracks and joints.
Through the duration of the training, all leaks were successfully sealed, effectively terminating water ingress into the manhole.
For inquiries regarding manhole injection training and repair applications or other injection-related applications, we invite you to contact our skilled team of SealBoss representatives. We offer scheduling for on-site consultations and comprehensive injection systems training, assuring optimal results for your projects.