SealBoss 6900 Spray Coat
Two Component Fast Cure Polyurea Coating System

SealBoss ® 6900 Spray Coat Features
- Excellent Thermal Stability
- Zero VOC
- No Toxic Vapors Odorless
- Meets USDA Criteria
- 100% Solids
- Seamless
- Low Permeance Rate
- Low Temperature Flexibility
- Non-Reactive
- Good Chemical Resistance
Typical Application Environments
- Airports
- Refineries
- Cold Storage
- Power Plants
- Fertilizer Plants
- Mining Facilities
- Warehouse Floors
- Sec. Containment
- And Many More
Product Description
SealBoss ® 6900 Spray Coat is a fast set, rapid curing, 100% solids, flexible, aromatic, two component spray polyurea that can be applied to suitably prepared concrete and metal surfaces. Its extremely fast gel time makes it suitable for applications down to -20°F. It may be applied in single or multiple applications without appreciable sagging and is relatively insensitive to moisture and temperature allowing application in most temperatures.
Installation Guidelines
Surface Preparation
Surface must be properly prepared. Concrete surfaces prepared according to NACE standard RP0892-92. Steel surfaces must be a “near white metal” blast to SSPC-SP-10 with a 4 mil profile. All surfaces must be free from dust, rust, moisture and other oils and contaminates. Concrete surfaces must be primed with appropriate SealBoss ® primer to promote adhesion. Holding tanks must be agitated and maintained at a temperature of 85°F. Avoid moisture contamination of material. Refer to general guidelines for complete information.
SealBoss 6900 Spray Coat may not be diluted under any circumstances. Use appropriate solvent for solvent purge line and flushing of equipment and if spraying stops for periods exceeding the pot life of the material. Thoroughly mix SealBoss 6900 Spray Coat Part-B Base material with air driven power equipment until a homogenous mixture and color is obtained.
Both Part-A and Part-B materials should be preconditioned at 75-80°F before application. SealBoss 6900 Spray Coat should be applied using a plural component, heated, high pressure 1:1 spray equipment. The product may be applied at any ambient temperature. However, the equipment temperature is important. Both Part-A and Part-B materials should be sprayed at temperatures above 150°F. Adequate pressure and temperature should be maintained at all times.